
I will be adding poetry to this page as I write it.  Please, forgive me.  A lot of this has been written back prior to 2007 and is dark.. and slightly immature.  Still, all work on this page is mine, which reminds me that I need to figure out how to add the copyright stuff on here..

"Watch Me" 

[Warning:  This is a pretty dark poem, or so I've been told...]

I dance on your bed
Put the bullet in my head
Love you even more
though you screwed that whore
I slip farther from sanity
and lose grip on reality
I no longer laugh
but walk a forsaken path
I hate you with all my heart
I want to pull my skin apart
I reach for Death's hand
and know this is the end

"Forever Gone"

Forever sleep I long
Forever just close my eyes
Forever cold my skin
And forever still my breath

"Even Though"
Even though you do not want my love
Even though you ripped out my heart
Even though you are moving on
Even though I knew you would
Even though the pain's unbearable
Even though I felt you inching away
Even though I still cry out your name
Even though you'll never answer
Even though you ignore me
Even though I stopped existing
Even though you want me dead
Even though I cannot make you happy
Even though I never will
Even though I am not your "one"
Even though I knew the consequences
I gave you my heart and don't want it back
Even though and through it all
I still love you and still wait

 "My Heart"    

My heart still longs
My heart still burns
My heart still soars
My heart still cries
My heart still sings
My heart still loves
My heart never dies
My heart still breaks
becuase I will forever love you

"Deadly Memories"

Do you drown out memories
was it really just a drink
Do you hate the memories
or do they bring you to the brink
Why try and kill memories
they keep me alive
Try to supress memories
your sanity takes a dive
Do you make new memories
her heart full of lust
I hold my old memories
and fade into the dust
You will hate your memories
standing at my grave
Still remember those memories
laying in your grave


What you are
  The love we once shared
  The love that's still there
It's all unforgettable
  The touch of your hands on my skin
  Your passionate kisses
  Your warming laugh
Still unforgettable
  Your secretive eyes
  Your unsmiling lips
  Your hateful stare
  Your cold touch
  The pain in my heart
Forever unforgettable.

"Questions of a Broken Heart"

Will you really call
Or will I again fall
Will my heart continue to break
Or will you ease the ache
Do you purposely ignore
Have you locked the door
How I want to die
This is my good bye

"What To Do"

What to do
More time to spare
Loving you
But not a pair
Hating you
Hating stares
Cursing two
Damnable air