Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last night's dream

I try really hard to keep my personal life out of my posts, but since I haven't been able to progress much on my manuscripts, I am going to share the dream I had last night--or what I can remember at least.

It started off with me and a few other expecting couples in a home decorated from the 70's--complete with wood panels on everything.  As I'm walking back to the kitchen (I think), a very tall man and a dog pop up in my way.  (The dog I've realized was actually a BLACK furred, GOLD eyed Jackal; I thought it was a doberman in my dream.)  He tells me his name is Loki (yes, the Norse god; BUT he had long black hair, looked Native American, skin color mainly the color of anbesol with a bronze shimmer undertone) but whenever I try to ask questions, he vanishes.  I'm supposed to look for someone or he's going to do something bad, I don't remember what exactly. I do remember that I was terrified of whatever it was.
So, my Memaw (my mom's mom) drives me to my old high school (except the neighborhood AND the school were NOT Southport High).  However, every time I get close to whoever I'm looking for, the school gets evacuated.  It just repeats--I get in and wander the halls, then an evacuation alarm goes off. I get shoved outside by the stampede of high schoolers and have to wait until I can go back in.

I have a headache.  I think the Jackal symbolized Anubis, but I don't know.  He never spoke, though he did circle me a few times and looked like he smirked at least once.  I woke up panicking, and I have no idea why... I think I need to spend some time reading my bible this morning...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese (Lunar) New Year!!!

It's officially the Year of the Dragon.  No, I'm not Chinese or of any other Asian heritage.  However, I do love their culture and history!  Also, I was born in the year of the Dragon and now my son will be too!  (On another note, though not necessary information, my husband is a Cock and our daughter is a Rat.)  I hope we can do something to celebrate this holiday. We probably won't, but I'd like to!  However, that isn't really the topic of this post--the title really has nothing to do with it.

What I am really wanting to write about is my lack of ability to write!  I have three manuscripts that I have been working on for a few years now. Okay, almost a decade.  And I am stuck. I have it a solid brick wall and cannot seem to move around, over or through it.  What is extremely frustrating is that one is just my every day life--the life of a working, crafting mom (and wife)!  The other two, well, I can sort of understand my dilemma.
I started both in high school, one is the sequel to Tichion: On the Other Side, but I've not been able to progress on it at all.  I sent the wrong manuscript in for the first book and wasn't able to get it fixed in time before publication (and haven't been able to buy the rights of the book back to publish the RIGHT one under the same name).
The third manuscript was also started in high school. My friends and I would create worlds and characters to pass time.  Then we'd assign/pick characters to role play through notes and e-mails to keep ourselves entertained.  This book is based on the longest running world we created--also where I picked up my crafting hobby name, Kypress Designs.  (I have to say "hobby" instead of "business" still because "business" implies that I have sales, and that makes the IRS perk up; the only interactions I've had are swaps/trades or giveaways.)

I suppose I am having a hard time balancing myself.  I spend a lot of time crafting and not enough time being the mother and wife that I should be.  That thought scares me, especially when I think about the new life growing inside me that will join us relatively soon.  Any more experienced authors have any suggestions for me?