Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Publisher Issues

So, apparently PublishAmerica, which became AllStar Books then America Star Books or something like that, was bought out and/or went bankrupt.  They are no longer returning authors' attempts at contacting nor are they giving authors the royalties that they should be getting, whether ebooks or hard copies of their works. The new publisher is also not printing our manuscripts.


Unfortunately, we also can't take our manuscripts to other publishers due to our contracts--they could come after us and sue.  So, it looks like there won't be another Tichion book or any copies of it at all.

I have to change everything if I want to continue on that story.  Sherrilyn Kenyon had had to do that at one point as well with her League series, if I remember correctly. At least, I think it was the League series.  I adore that one, but I'm more obsessed with the Dark-Hunter series.

I'm trying to figure out what to do now with new story lines that I've been working on but procrastinating on finishing.

I'm not the only author fighting a battle either. Here's a post by Brenda Perlin. Deanna fought too. Writers Beware has a post about it as well as Victoria Strauss.  Here's a comment on the latter blog, which she does have a newer post:

The owner wiowner, back in June of last year sent me an email saying name change again
It was to become Paperbackservices. Well the emails with new address never came. The website is gone. The radio station is up for sale they are gone. I sent an email in reply to both the old and the new address he supplied. I have received a “can not send” from google for the new address but the old one sems to have been delivered. I wrote that my rights have now reverted back to me since they have defaulted on our contract by going out of business. See what happens next…

 So, there you have it.  I think my term of contract is up, but I can't find the copies of it to verify.  And no way of contacting whomever is in charge, or was in charge, to find out.  I'll just continue to work on my pieces and then look into publishing at a later date.  I also heard that you can get your books printed and bound without getting an ISBN through quite a few different places, specifically from a fiend working at OfficeDepot, with some stipulations.  It is better to still submit it to the Library of Congress to obtain an ISBN and avoid copyright issues.

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